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Forthcoming events provided by INSS associates

This page features events and opportunities associated with the study of spirituality organised by and/or involving INSS members.

INSS members wishing to feature forthcoming events on this page should contact the INSS Research and Scholarship

Co-ordinator: Cheryl Hunt (c.hunt@exeter.ac.uk)

Image: Tumisu from Pixabay



Association for Art History Annual Conference

9–11 April 2025

York, UK

Session Abstract

When the art, visual culture, and creative practices of the ecological imagination are informed by esotericism, they reveal rejected knowledge and recover enchanted relationships. In recent years scholarship has expanded significantly in the fields of art and ecology, and art and esotericism, but intersections between all three categories remain underexplored.

Egil Asprem and Kennet Granholm have noted one of the analytically most powerful capabilities of the concept of the esoteric is its ability to shine light on the ‘betwixt and between’ and phenomena that transgress seemingly impermeable borders. Esoteric thinking resists boundaries, linearities of time and progress, and conformity to anthropocentrism. Esotericism has long held the imagination as an important faculty to transcend the mundane and the human, the everyday and the present. Similarly, environmental philosophers have evoked the imagination to negotiate and conceive, simulate and project increasingly complex world systems. As Diana Villanueva-Romero, Lorraine Kerslake and Carmen Flys-Junquera have demonstrated, artworks promote environmental awareness through the exercise of imaginative processes, paving the way for encounters of affective knowledge between us and ‘other’ - the ‘more-than-human’. With the creative potential and possibilities of these mutual imaginative forces - both esoteric and ecological - artists explore alternative entanglements with the natural and supernatural, visualising the interconnectivity and reciprocity between planes, scales and beings.

What are the visual manifestations and wider implications of the ecological imagination when it unites with esotericism? How are alternative entanglements conceived, envisioned and given form? This session invites papers to investigate the intersections of art, esotericism and ecology in their broadest sense, including transhistorical and global perspectives. In addition to academic papers, we welcome interdisciplinary approaches and other presentation formats from artists, ecologists and esoteric practitioners.

Session Convenors

Michelle Foot, University of Edinburgh, UK Michelle.Foot@ed.ac.uk

Natasha V. Moody, University of Plymouth / Research Network for the Study of Esoteric  Practices, natashavmoody@gmail.com

To offer a paper:

  • Please email your paper proposals direct to the session convenors, details above.
  • Provide a title and abstract (250 words maximum) for a 20-minute paper (or alternative presentation format), your name and institutional affiliation (if any).
  • Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper because the title is what appears online, in social media and in the digital programme.

Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2024

Further details: https://forarthistory.org.uk/conference/2025-annual-conference/





Join us this coming October for the unparalleled professional development, networking, and intellectual working group rooted in the science and practice of spirituality. We invite you to be a part of this extraordinary conversation and community!


The 24th International EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network conference took place in Oxford and online in September. 2024 

CONFERENCE THEME: Creative Bridges: Embodied consciousness, psyche and soul in research and practice.

By focusing on ‘creative bridges‘ the aim of this conference is the renewal of transpersonal psychology and allied disciplines. Most of this year’s keynote speakers are leading thinkers in other disciplines who value the role that spirituality and mysticism continue to play in their lives both personally and professionally. We are keen to hear new perspectives.
Only by re-evaluating the connections - between disciplines, between theory and practice, between past and present expressions of spirituality, and between research and the will to change our world for the better - can we create an approach that is authentic and credible in contemporary context. We believe that this is the greatest call of our day. And we hope you will join us in responding to this call!
The conference will showcase what is new and vibrant—in research, in ways of practice, and in performance. This lively gathering in the centre of historic Oxford will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with the vibrant international transpersonal community. 

CONFERENCE TRACKS: Consciousness and embodiment; Transpersonal psychology and the renewal of sacred traditions; Inner work and social change; Psychedelic renaissance; Transformative education; Therapeutic, creative and healing paths; Ecopsychology and spirituality; Transpersonal research praxis.



A 7-Day natural practice immersion for a transformative experience exploring Leadership and Governance

with/in Nature consciousness. 

Curated by ELC Nature Governance Agency in collaboration with Inthefield.community. 

August 12th-18th, Cae Mabon, Wales


This free summit took take place online, 10-14h June 2024. 6-7pm each day.

Speakers: Dr Diane Dreher; Dr Mick Collins; Dr Louise Livingstone; Dr Jack Hunter; Dr Leah Rampy 

Organised by: Lee Newitt


Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group, Eighth International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference