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International Network for the Study of Spirituality

Contact us

Please refer to the categories below to contact an appropriate member of the INSS team

(Just copy and paste the appropriate address into your email.)

Image: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

General Enquiries: Joan Walton (Chair)  <j.walton@yorksj.ac.uk>

Membership: Katja Milner (Membership Secretary)  <katja.milner@nottingham.ac.uk>

Conference 2025: Louise Spiers (Conference Co-ordinator)  <louise.spiers@northampton.ac.uk>

Journal: Linda Ross / Wilf McSherry (Co-Editors-in-Chief)  <linda.ross@southwales.ac.uk> / <w.mcsherry@staffs.ac.uk> 

JSS Book Reviews: Robyn Wrigley-Carr (Book Reviews Editor)  <rwrigley-carr@divinity.edu.au>

Links: Michael O'Sullivan (Links Co-ordinator)  <spiremos@gmail.com>

Research and Scholarship: Cheryl Hunt (Research and Scholarship Co-ordinator)  <c.hunt@exeter.ac.uk>

Social Media: Sophie MacKenzie (Social Media Co-ordinator)  <smackenzie@aecc.ac.uk>

Special Interest Groups: Melanie Rogers (Spirituality Scholars' Network and SIG Co-ordinator)  <m.rogers@hud.ac.uk>

Website: Armando Lüscher (Digital Infrastructure Manager)  <digital@spiritualitystudiesnetwork.org> 

INSS Company matters: David Rousseau (Company Secretary)  <inssenquiries@spiritualitystudiesnetwork.org>

Financial matters: Helen McSherry (Treasurer)  <treasurer@spiritualitystudiesnetwork.org> 

   About the network

The INSS is a unique international network for people interested in bringing the study of spirituality to life through research, scholarship, education and practice.


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