Our inaugural SASIG even last March was off to a strong start. We are now opening the registrations for our second Zoom event, on May 11th at 18:00 GMT. As per our last meeting, we are presenting three new provocations.
1. Degard - The Visionary Genre in Art, Magikal Hearings, Signs from Heaven
2. Paul Dieppe - Using artistic expression to access metaphors for spirituality and healing
3. Nick Shore and Maya Apolonia Rodé- Creative Presencing
The presenters’ bios are available below. After the presentations, we will open to the floor for a moderated discussion.
We are also starting a private Facebook Group called Spirituality and the Arts. If you would like to become a member, either click on this link and send a request or send us your email address to invite you.
Just a gentle reminder that for non INSS member there is a small charge of £4 to cover for the IT costs associated with the event.
Degard is a pioneering British ‘Painter of Auras’, writer, researcher, curator and founder of the genre Contemporary Visionary and owner of The Visionary Brit Museum www.visionarybritmuseum.co.uk . The Visionary Brit Museum is a red telephone box outside of the British Museum which hosts Visionary art exhibitions exclusively. The Visionary Brit Museum is the smallest gallery in London.
Prof. Paul Dieppe
Paul Dieppe is a retired doctor and Emeritus Professor. His previous posts have included Professor of Rheumatology in Bristol, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Bristol and Director of the Medical Research Council's Health Services Collaboration. He now works on healing with a multi-disciplinary team of colleagues at Exeter University.
Nick Shore
Nick was a career creative executive in the entertainment industry until he went through a spiritual emergence period in which art poured out of him. Now he is an intersubjective spaceholder, with a focus on hosting, holding and facilitating spaces that stimulate and hold emergent creativity, in all forms. He received his training in Collective Presencing, Emergent Dialogue, Next Level Facilitation and PSI (Psycho-Spiritual Integration). He is the co-founder of the practice of Creative Presencing. He lives in Brooklyn and is the father of two daughters.
Maja Apolonia Rodé, PhD
Maja holds a BA in Art Education and PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. She has presented her insights on the nature of the creative process, spiritual awakening, and community development at the Science and Nonduality and Nondual Wisdom and Psychology conferences. Former Creative Director of Open Gate Sangha (Adyashanti), co-founder of Creative Presencing, and creator of the Divine Dice Oracle, Maja follows her passions to inspire and awaken creative potential — individually and collectively — for the benefit of all.
For more details, see https://spiritualitystudiesnetwork.org/Spirituality-and-the-Arts-SIG
The SIG Chairs: the Rev. Prof. June Boyce-Tillman, Dr Lila Moore, Annalisa Burello.

The video recording of the event is now available on our YouTube channel Spirituality and the Arts Special Interest Group