incorporating the INSS AGM,
will be held ONLINE
on Monday 9 December,
09.00-16.00 (UK time)
Image by Romy Michaud from Pixabay
A collaborative event exploring synergies between the study of spirituality
and studies in transpersonal psychology and consciousness
This event is an initiative of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS) in collaboration with the Alef Trust and the Scientific and Medical Network's New Paradigm Navigators group.
It will provide an opportunity to outline the work of each organisation and to share visions and ideas about the future and significance of such work in today's challenging circumstances. We anticipate there being three hour-long sessions during the day, each of which will include three 15-minute presentations + Q&A.
INSS members are warmly warmly invited to submit an abstract for a 15-minute oral presentation to highlight key aspects of their research and what implications it may have for developing the field of spirituality studies.
If you would like to give a presentation, please submit an abstract in the body of an email to the INSS Research and Scholarship Co-ordinator, Cheryl Hunt (Email: by 17.00 UK time on Friday 15 November. Please put 'INSS symposium' in the title line of the email.
Your abstract should be of no more than 300 words. It should include your name, email address and institutional affiliation (if any), plus the title of your presentation. It should give a brief outline of your research and highlight (a) the focus of your presentation and (b) its particular implications for/contribution to the study of spirituality. Notice of acceptance will be sent by 23 November.
If there is sufficient interest, we hope to hold similar events in the future so we look forward to receiving lots of abstracts!
A full programme and joining instructions will be available by 2 December.
The symposium is free to attend but we invite donations from non-members.
The INSS Annual General Meeeting will take place online on 9 December, 11.30-12.30, UK time.
A copy of the Accounts and Annual Reports will be sent to all INSS members in advance of the meeting.
Non-members who are participating in the symposium are welcome to attend the AGM.
About the networkThe INSS is a unique international network for people interested in bringing the study of spirituality to life through research, scholarship, education and practice. |