was held ONLINE
on Monday 09 December,
09:30-16:00 GMT
The INSS AGM took place
at 12 noon GM
Image by Romy Michaud from Pixabay
The symposium was a collaborative event exploring synergies between the study of spirituality and studies in transpersonal psychology and consciousness
This event was an initiative of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS) in collaboration with the Alef Trust and the Scientific and Medical Network's New Paradigm Navigators group.
It provided an opportunity to outline the work of each organisation and to share visions and ideas about the future and significance of such work in today's challenging circumstances. The Symposium included three hour-long sessions, each featuring three 15-minute presentations on recent and ongoing research projects + Q&A.
The symposium was free to attend but we invited donations from non-members.
Click to see ABSTRACTS & BIOGRAPHIES of the presenters.
Links to the presenters' slides and further information will be added in the New Year. Watch this space!
The INSS Annual General Meeeting took place online on 09 December, 12:00-12:30 GMT
.For queries about the AGM, please contact the INSS Company Secretary, Dr David Rousseau:
About the networkThe INSS is a unique international network for people interested in bringing the study of spirituality to life through research, scholarship, education and practice. |